How much peroid pain is normal?

Hi everyone! I know period pain is something we all experience, but I'm wondering if mine is abnormal or if I'm just being a drama queen! I have considered seeing a doctor about it but I wanted to ask other people before making an idiot of myself! Feel like I should also add, I'm 15, I've been having my periods around 3 years, they last 5 days, and are kind of regular, I'm pretty fit and healthy and I'm a virgin. So here it is:

My period pain is extremely painful, I feel pain from each of my hips, from my groin to my belly button and around my back and sometimes it spreads to my inner thighs. And sometimes it gets so painful I can't touch my belly or do anything.

Pain normally starts a day or two before my period, and lasts for the first 3 days.

I normally feel sick the first day, and twice I have thrown up.

I constantly feel like I have to poop, but it hurts when I try so I end up very constipated (sorry tmi!)

I take ibuprofen but sometimes they don't touch the pain, it still hurts!

I also feel very very fatigued during my period, and sometimes feel lightheaded. And I get pelvic pain even when it's not my period.

So guys, is this normal... am I over reacting?! Any advice is welcome and thanks for reading 😄