Effects of raspberry leaf tea/tablet

Just wanted to know if anyone felt that their use of the raspberry leaf helped during their labour? Do you think it shorted the labouring period? were your contractions stronger? They say it helps your milk come in too, did it help?
Just wanting to know for future births as I'm  not sure if it was the raspberry leaf actually helped me :/ FTM here...
I started taking 1 tablet a day from 32-36 weeks then 2 tablets from 37-41 weeks. I dilated from 4cm to 10cm in 3 hours but my contractions were HELL, I couldn't breathe through them, and I'm not sure if it was the tablets that caused me so much pain, or if it was just me. 
The colostrum instantly and my milk supply came quite well, the midwifes were amazed, again I'm not sure if it's just me or the raspberry leaf playing an effect