
I need help understanding my boyfriend and our relationship. Only someone that feels this way or has been through it will be able to help me. My boyfriend has a job 5hrs away from me and he visits me every two weeks when he comes everything is perfect he shows me he cares and loves me unconditionally he wants to be with me 24/7. But everything changes when he leaves again... his job is very hard for him he lives alone so he has to maintain every thing on his own. Laundry, clean, cook, etc. When he gets home from work he only has 2 hrs to himself since he goes to sleep at 8. In that period of time we send like one or two texts which makes me think that he doesn't want to speak to me. He is a very bad texter he so dry all the time no matter what we talk about he just hates being on his phone period. He tells me that I don't understand how life is for him alone over there and that everything will change when I move with him in couple weeks hopefully. I been feeling like he doesn't want me to move in anymore because he doesn't talk about it he doesn't call "babe" or anything like that he always tells me that why should all that matter to just know he still loves me and if he didn't he would not be with me anymore.. it's hard me being home and not getting any texts from him he texts me one time out of those 14 hrs he's at work. Idk what to do am I exaggerating because he doesn't text me knowing his busy schedule he only gets 1 days off every two weeks but when he comes he always asks days off.. or is he just showing he doesn't want to be with me I need advice how can I get through this and be able to understand his situation will it get better when I'm over there with him? Sorry its long