So happy but can't believe it's real!

Back in December I took my nexplanon out. My husband and I immediately got pregnant 12 days later. I carried to 7w3d and miscarried. I was heartbroken to say the least. I had to start taking Prometrium because my cycle wasn't started on its own after my D&C. I had a normal period last month and we began trying again. I was supposed to start my period on June 4th but it never came. I've been having mild cramping for a week and a half but still no period. I took 4, yes 4 pregnancy test. The first on the day I was supposed to start and then throughout last week. I finally got tired of paying the big $$$ for tests so I got the cheap ones from the dollar tree. I know many of you have used these and they work great but I took 2 of them and hey came back negative. I just took this one and this was my result. I'm going to take the other 2 tests over the next 2 days. I'm hoping for a consistent result as it would be amazing to surprise my husband on Father's Day with this news! Please send positive vibes this way!!!