BBT Newbie 😕

Sarah-Jane • TTC 16 months💏We did it🤰🏽Sophie born 10/7/18💕
After nearly 10 months TTC, <a href="">IVF</a> next step due to an issue on my fiances side 💔 I've never taken my temp etc and bought a thermometer to start (I'll be 6dpo tomorrow) any tips or advice for me? 😊
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I hold the thermometer in my mouth for 30 seconds or so before turning it on, it seems more accurate that way. Also, try and hold it in the same area of your mouth each time, for consistency. Try to avoid judging bbt changes day by day, you really have to look back at the whole pattern. Fluke temps happen, so don&apos;t get upset or excited until the change lasts for a couple days. BBT is awesome, I don&apos;t know how I ever did without it!


Xyz • Jun 12, 2017
There are website online that will tell you, or you can get the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Wechsler. After you ovulate you temp will rise a few points of a degree, to maybe 1 degree. I'm using Fahrenheit though so if you use Celsius I'm not entirely sure. You'll see the pattern on your Glow chart. It might take a couple days for your temp to rise, or it might rise right away as soon as you ovulate.


Sarah-Jane • Jun 12, 2017
Thanku! I know it's maybe a silly question but what pattern do I look for in each cycle how will I know I'm going to ovulate or have ovulated? Thanku 😘


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Take it at same time every morning. Do not move, smoke or talk till you take. Use the first temp every time.


ta • Jun 11, 2017
No just remember to take it at same time.


Sarah-Jane • Jun 11, 2017
I get really warm in the night and usually wake up a bit sweaty 😳 will that matter at all?