just want someone for support that's in the same boat...

Right I'm so sorry this is long. I have to take 7 tablets at night just to help me live normally and 4 in the day. It sucks and makes me feel like crap. 
I take:
Kalms x2- anxiety (barely works!! Just to take the edge off)
Acne medication X1- to make me less self conscious about my acne (not painful- purely for self conscious reasons) 
My pill- for painful periods
3 types of vitamins due to deficiencies that make me feel like shit
AND then tonight (I'm not meant to get my period) I got it and it hurts really bad. Like pains up my back, abdomen and pains through my legs. So I've had to take painkillers as well that take the edge of a small bit. 
The doctors can't help they won't put me on any medications for my generalised anxiety disorder and shut me down when I started talking about how my low mood has gotten worse ( my mum agrees with me that I might be depressed and they won't listen to me!!) they refuse to help and they "can't" put me into therapy for 6 months even though I have been to the service before and they know my history. 
Additionally they think I have PCOS as I have majority of the symptoms and it runs in my family, but they can't check me for it because it's an invasive scan their reason is. That I'm not sexual active to even if I do have it they can't treat me as they can't diagnose it till I am sexually active!! 
I just want to feel normal I'm taking 7 tablets every night overall 11 tablets daily and I don't feel okay AT ALL, no one will help me at all even though they can