33 weeks bleeding

Baby is active but the movements seem weak compared to how he normally is. I've had alittle bit of cramping on and off throughout the day. I called and they told me to do kick counts so I did but I'm just not at ease with the way he's moving 
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Tell them you want to be seen. I had 3 days worth of bleeding each day was seen first a simple check told to call if it happened again, it did so I was sent to L&D got a closer check and was sent for a ultrasound the next day regardless of bleeding or not, did have it though and thankfully they couldn't see anything wrong that was causing it and must have had just a irritated vessel but it was definitely better to get checked then ignore it! 


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Honestly don't think twice about it go to the er! You'd rather feel silly then feel sad 


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Hun go to the hospital if you truly are worried, better to go and be sure you know?