confused 😐

So I was trying for a baby , with my fiancé! But no baby came (it's been 5 years since we started trying) I was convinced something was wrong with me , so I went to the dr. To have some tests ran but they said I'm perfectly fine , so we continue to try for a baby , but nothing happened! We both became depressed and step out on each because we were both convinced it was the other with the problems! So in the time of me stepping out I meet another man ! We had sex and I became pregnant after the first intercourse( this was 3 years ago) my fiancé (now my husband ) knew about this because I confessed ! But miscarried at 2 months ( years later me and  him are still trying and now I'm sure the problem is him and he is against going to the dr.) I've literally given up on trying and etc.  what do I do !