Half Marathon with my Bump!

I was training for my fourth marathon when I found out we were expecting my little baby.  My first doctor told me to stop running "no jiggling or bouncing." We switched to a midwife for a lot of reasons, and she approved my continuing to run (though I decided the marathon was too difficult with morning sickness). I had a gym owner tell me if continued to run I'd "lose my baby" (I obviously left that gym 😏). On Saturday, my 🤰🏼and I completed a half marathon in Milwaukee at 21 weeks
. My pace has slowed dramatically (50 mins longer than my usual time!), but finished the race and have never felt stronger or more mentally tough than I did on that course. I'm so glad to be an active running mama, who listens to science and not alarmists whose knowledge is way outdated. I'm exhausted today but it was so worth it and can't wait to show my baby we can accomplish our goals no matter what - he or she will be here in October, and I'm so thankful for my supportive husband, friends and family!