I think it might be time to go to a specialist. 😞

Hi there!!  I'm 23 I'm August, my fiancé is 25 in November. We have a 3&1/2 year old daughter. We have had two losses after her. 6/29/15 & 10/11/15 (second lost pregnancy was conceived using pre-seed which I think contributed to it not being a strong sticky one.💔) so.. we're coming up on 2 years since we lost our first baby. I dreaded it.. but I think I want to get something checked out. How do I go about this? Just a regular gyno, or specifically a fertility doctor? (Huge side note.. my fiancé (& daughter) is a liver transplant recipient. So he takes medications including a steroid. So we're pretty sure it's not me, it's him.) Have any of you done those sperm count tests? Thoughts? Hoping this is our month. I've really turned my health habits around in hopes of finally getting our rainbow baby, & a sibling for our beautiful daughter. Thank you all & much love!! ❤