

My 9 week old daughter has been fussing at the breast for the past week. At times She has been refusing the breast and screaming even though she is hungry. This is very out of character for her. She has also been spitting up more and sometimes when she spits up she starts to cry. Once I get her eating sometimes she needs to burp after only a few minutes and starts to cry and won't go back on the breast. She is being treated for thrush with gentian violet right now. She has had thrush for over a month without acting like this and the gentian violet is working. Could she develop a sensitivity to something I'm eating at 2 months old? Could she develop reflux? The only other thing that happend is the day before this started is that her dad changed her and didn't know her dress had buttons at the back to undo and forced the dress off over her head and she was screaming after that! Thanks for any insight!!

UPDATE: went to the doctor and it turns out she has a UTI. Poor girl is on antibiotics for 1 week now.