Not sure what to do right now


Last month i had AF on the 9th & the month before the 8th. Two apps said i was going to get AF june 7th which they are usually right.. maybe a day off. I haven't gotten AF yet and were coming up to 6 days late if i follow the app. My bf is super stressed told me tonight he wants kids but just not right now. 😕 which i agree financially we arent ready but that kinda hurt hearing him say that.

Ive never been this late before. And now i feel there is such a pressure not to be pregnant (you k ow what i mean) I havent tested yet because I've been waiting but when i tell the bf i should grab a test he gets even mot stressed out.

Not sure what to do at this point. Feeling stressed now. I had cramps all week last week and i barely feel them now. My boobs were really sore last week and now they arent except my nipples. Ive been super fatigued. Bloated.

Would love advice or similar stories 😊

Thanks ladies 😙