Bosnian husband

My husband just told me that they don't really use/believe in mother in laws being in the room while their wife's gives birth. This will be our first baby together and I'm Obviouslly not Bosnian so that got me to thingking about who and if anyone else will be in the room with me. can anyone say anything about this? !? 
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Whyyyy would you want them in the room while you're giving birth?! My husband and the medical team will be the only ones in there and no one is going to be able to visit for a few hours after. I'm close to my mother and mil but I absolutely do not feel like they need to be in the room while I'm giving birth. 


Posted at
No, you have the final say so. The nurses ask YOU who you want to be in there.


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Just my husband. But that's cause I don't want anyone else, not because of culture.


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I want it to be a special moment between my SO and I. My best friend had 5 people in the delivery room when she birthed my god son but I don't want all that hoopla.


Posted at
My husband is Bosnian and I’m American!! I wouldn’t care if that was the culture I would not want my MIL in the room with me while I’m giving birth 🙄😬 Absolutely NOT!! If my mother wanted to, yes but I don’t think she would! But that’s about it! I would want that to be a moment for my husband and I!


Posted at
I had planned on only my husband and the medical team being there when it was my turn. My sister works at the hospital and she was on shift that morning. I wanted my sister there dn thank God she was! I don't know own how I feel about my mom or MIL being there though.


Posted at
The thing is that I don't even know how feel about my mom and sister being there. they just  kind of assumed it would happen and I haven't said anything about it. 


Am • Jun 12, 2017
Then you need to decide and speak up. Don't let them bully you.