PSA: Do not plan your own baby shower

I just wanted to take a minute(probably a very long one) to say that I planned my own baby shower and it was pretty much a nightmare.
I never intended on planning my own shower but the only people I had that would throw one for me was my mom and god-mother. I was very grateful that they wanted to throw me a shower but once they started telling me what their plans were(barely any at all-they actually had no knowledge of planning a shower) I realized I could not leave it up to them. 
This being my first child, and their first grandchild, I wanted it to be special and perfect. 
I spent the last month planning my shower. I went with "little man mustache theme" and it was really cute. I made most of the decorations myself (thanks to Pinterest!) and bought the rest. I lost count of how much money I spent on everything for the shower. My mom and god mother bought the food. 
As far as the invites, I did Facebook invites and told others that did not have one in person or through text. The reason I did that was because I was trying to save money and did not want to waste it on invitations. I had 36 people RSVP to my shower and some were going to bring a plus one (I made it co-ed). In total I had about 45 people coming to my shower.
Fastforward to yesterday, the day of my shower. I got to the "venue"(it was at a pavilion in a park) an hour and a half early to start setting up everything and my mom&godmother were suppose to meet me there at the same time. They didn't show up til the time of the shower and I still had a lot to do. A few people started showing up while we were still decorating and getting food tables set up. I was being pulled in every direction and getting asked a million questions that I was about to have a breakdown. I couldn't properly greet my guests that were arriving because I was so busy. 😩
But I think the most upsetting part was that I poured my heart, time, and money into this and only 18 people showed. 18 people out of 45 that were "so excited and can't wait" to attend. 😤. Only 2 people that wanted to come let me know that day that there was a family emergency or their kid was sick and was unable to come. 
I had a TON of food and drinks and planned to play a lot of games too. Some of the guests that showed arrived, had some small talk with others, ate food then left. I didn't even get to play the games or open any of their gifts. My shower was suppose to last two hours and most people only stayed for maybe an hour. 
I opened all of my gifts alone with my hubby, step daughters, mom, dad,sisters, god-mom and niece. Those were the only ones who stayed. And My mom was the only one who helped me clean up after the shower too.
I apologize for this being so long but I needed to rant about this as I am so disappointed. I barely got any sleep last night because of it. 
So for my FTM's, PLEASE, if you have ANYBODY that will throw you a shower, LET THEM DO IT. I wanted to be a control freak over mine because I wanted it to be perfect and didn't think I could rely on my mom to do it and it was a disaster. I stressed about it the whole time I was planning it and on the day of. I did not get to relax and enjoy it or fully enjoy my friends and family that came to celebrate my little man. I am very grateful for the people that showed up and appreciate all of the gifts for baby(which he got a lot!) 
Thanks in advance for anyone who took the time to read my long rant. ❤️