How long did it take your cycles to return to "normal" after having your baby?

M 🌻💕

I haven't had very many cycles in the last few years because of pregnancy and breastfeeding lol. So since having my second child (she's 14 months now), I have finally had the most periods in a row that I've had in probably 5 years, which is just 3. The cycles weren't the same length each time, and now it's been 32 days since my last period. ?!?!?! I've taken 2 pregnancy tests, both negative. I'm super confused. I'm not sure what's up with my body right now. This should be my fourth sequential period. When do they start becoming regular again? Will they ever be? Lol. If you have any insight, I would appreciate your comments! :)

Ps. Just some FYI, I am not on any hormonal birth control. I use condoms. I still breastfeed a handful of times a day.