Feeling like a bad Mommy😫


Currently 33 weeks, and at my 30 week appt, I was told our little girl wasnt growing properly (she was in the 24th percentile) and that we need to check her every 2 weeks to check her growth. Last week when they measured her, she had dropped down to the 14th percentile. Ive had trouble almost the entire pregnancy with keeping food down and having an appetite or any desire to eat at all, so that was the first thing I asked (if she was having trouble growing because I wasnt giving her enough) And I was specifically told that it has nothing to do with what I'm doing, my body and the placenta know to take care of her and if that isnt happening, its not something I can help. But EVERYONE thinks this is happening because I'm not eating enough and I hate it! I get that everyone just thinks they're helping but it's really starting to bother me and make me feel pretty shitty. Constantly having everyone trying to force feed me because "I gotta feed the baby" "she's not gunna grow if you dont eat something" "you're eating for two now"

Just leave me alone! Im not eating for two full grown adults, its just me and a tiny 3 lb baby. If I eat too much it makes me sick and then I lose everything I've kept down anyway and sometimes I'm just that exhausted😥 The last thing I wanna do is decide what to eat, make something/or go get something. Everyone seems to expect me to just stuff my face all day long and it makes me feel awful. I already feel like im failing her because there's nothing I can do to make her grow better and i dont think ppl realize how much extra worry amd stress it causes me when they make comments about how I'm not feeding her enough 😢😢