Best age to toilet train

Bianca • 25 | Wife | Philosopher • Mother • Lover • Discover 🌏🔭 Dave+Love+Children = Perfection 💋 ......................expecting................... ......................May 2018 .................. 🎉🎉🎉
I saw that my friends child had fallen asleep on her bed and that she was stressing out because he didn't have a nappy on (he's 3 years old) and I said no better time then now to start toilet training. Let's say she didn't like that. Anyway made me think when is the best time for toilet training as my daughter was toilet trained before her 2nd birthday. She was about 1 and 7 months old when she was fully toilet trained, I personally think the earlier the better. Then your not wasting money on nappies. What does everyone else think?? Cheers 

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