Can I make "popsicles" out of formula?


So it's been hot here the last few days, 40°C and I was wondering if I could make popsicles out of formula for her? She's almost 14 weeks and is starting teething also so I'm wondering if it may help.

I've found contradicting information online.. I've seen yes and no all over the place in articles. I'm wondering if anyone has ever done it. I let her take a few licks of a freezie today but I don't want her doing that regularly and she seems to enjoy the cold from it.

I'm going to ask her doctor when we go, but we don't go for another 3 weeks.

I know you can with breastmilk, sadly I couldn't breastfeed.. So we ended up using formula. If I would have breastfed, I would have just done it.