chelsea • Jun 23, 2017
God bless you. And I hope your pregnancy this time around goes all as well. When I was pregnant 5 years ago but my OB inform me about that cartilage operation I would have to go through and also get a shot of progesterone to ensure I don't go into birth labor. It also sucks because I would have to get this done whenever I am pregnant because of my cervix.
Jasmine • Jun 18, 2017
Yes! In fact I'm pregnant right now. After my son passed in November 2016, I did a lot of research and found out about the TAC (transabdominal cerclage). I was too far along (23+4) to try an emergency cerclage with my son so they just gave me progesterone suppositories - unfortunately they didn't work. I knew that I didn't want to take ANY chances the next time around, so I had the TAC placed in February and now I am currently 5+3 weeks! I'd being lying if I said I wasn't feeling a bit anxious about my new pregnancy, but I have all the faith in my TAC and know that I will bring home our rainbow baby next year!