parents of older mixed (black & white) children

So, I got pregnant from a one night stand. As an 19yo, I had an abortion, and at 26 I swore I would never make that mistake again. Long story short, I have a beautiful new baby boy, and I know it's stupid. BUT this entire pregnancy I worried about hair 🤦‍♀️ not because I give a fuck if my child has "black hair". But I'm the type of girl that has her hair tied back in a pony tail almost everyday. I have no idea how to take care of my hair let alone a child's hair that I literally have no experience with. I thank God he wasn't a girl because then I feel it'd be an even bigger issue. Anyways, right now my baby's hair looks like he's going to have gorgeous curly black locks. But my question is does it change? Like the texture? Most people say babies hair all falls out anyways. I do realize in the scheme of things this is irrelevant lol but I just worry. My son will be seen as black, and don't want him to get shit about his hair because his white mom is clueless af & jacks up his hair by getting it cut at great clips or idk? I post this anonymously because I'm a coward   😬 and really don't want people judging me for worrying about something so stupid. Anyways I'll post a picture of my baby boy just because he's my handsome little man and want to show him off.