8 months old still waking every 2 hours

She wakes up every 2 hours at night the only way to get her back to sleep without crying is to feed her. After I breastfeed her I lay her in her crib and leave out sometimes she go right to sleep and sometimes she cries a little thn go to sleep but she still wakes up every 2 hours. Some night she will have one 3 hour stretch. And i tired pumping and giving her a bottle with cereal in it, thinking it will keep her full and she will sleep longer but nope still every 2 hours. Any suggestion will be great because this mama is tired plus I'm pregnant again so it makes me tired.
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Have you tried letting her cry it out when she wakes up? I finally got my son to stop waking by just not going in when he wakes up. Just recently I stopped even turning the monitor on at night so his random wakings where he does fall back asleep don't wake me up. He's in the next room so if he's really up, I hear it. I started doing this because he'd wake up in the morning with his belly full and refuse to eat for hours in the morning so I knew he wasn't really hungry. If he's really fussy I'll try just putting his pacifier in his mouth and then leave again without touching him or talking to him.


Susan • Jun 14, 2017
Another thing to try is moving bedtime. My son is sooo tired when he gets home from daycare so I moved up bedtime and he sleeps so much better. Overtired babies have trouble staying asleep


Keshawn • Jun 13, 2017
No I tired skipping feeding and she was up for a whole before she went back to sleep. I will try that tonight. Thanks


Posted at
We sleep trained at 6 mos. she gets a bedtime routine that ends with nursing, and if she wakes up before midnight I comfort her in her crib but don't nurse. Her first wake up after midnight I nurse briskly then get her back to crib as soon as she slows down, and I don't nurse again until her morning wake up. Once in a while I nurse her 2x at night, if she didn't get a lot during the day or she is unwell.