Old lady problems

SeeYouNextTuesday • Single atheist badass career Mom. I say it like it is because I'm too old to play games and I don’t have time for fluff. 😘
So... I'm done having kids. I've had 3 children. My youngest is 15 months. I've had 2 C-sections. I'm turning 35 in August. Technically, ive lost all of my baby weight and do shortly after birth. BUT, while trying for my first and on fertility treatments, I gained an extra 25-30lbs. THIS is the weight that I never got off, until now. I'm working so hard on it. I have a goal to get it off by my birthday. I'm planning a boudoir photo shoot for my husband for our anniversary. It's a surprise since we are going on 10 years and WAY out of my comfort zone. But the deposit has been made and I HAVE to keep this goal. So far so good. 17.6 lbs lost as of this morning and I'm doing really well. 
BUT - I looked in the mirror last night and almost cried. I swear I look worse than when I started. The weight is melting off with diet and exercise, but my skin is just starting to hang off of my midsection in front. It looks awful. I think the weight will come off but I thing the skin may take much longer to bounce back. 
Any old ladies here have some tips on getting that skin to bounce back quicker? I'm just not 25 anymore and it isn't happening naturally. I started doing some massages on my stomach with bio oil to help "wake up" my skin and lighten my scars and deep stretch marks. I'm hoping that will help too. I'm at a loss otherwise.