Ok mommas I need help on this one, a daycare teacher smacked my 5 year old

Ashley • Aiden💙 12/18/06 Bodhi💚 3/29/12 Lucina💜 7/03/17

So from the beginning. Yesterday my son's childcare called to tell me he was having a rough day, it's been a rough week really all his teachers he was close to quit out of the blue. The lady on the phone was rude so I said I'd like to talk in person this evening so we scheduled a time. I went early to get my son so he could be with his grandmother during this meeting and on our way home he tells me another kid bit him, I was asking him why he hit his friend and that was his response was she bit him first. Then I asked why his friend told me he hit her (another child) he says she hit him as well. My son is honest to a flaw, he constantly tells on himself.

So I'm trying to wrap my head around why they call me making my son out to be the bully when he was hurt by 3 different children today and didn't even tell me what had happend to him.

Out if nowhere my son says, miss *blank* waited for the teacher to leave and hit me hard. He showed me where he asked if it was red and he said he cried but she made him sit down as if he was in trouble.

I have plans to go withdrawal my son in the next couple hours and wig out on this place but I really don't know if there's proper steps I should be taking, I don't want them getting away with what's going on at this school.

Sorry for the long rant but I want all the facts known.