help please.

kelly • ♥️ 🇬🇧
This is how I feel and no one understands at all. Everyone around me keeps saying, deep breaths and it will be okay. But I'm so miserable. I hate my Life now. I will be surprised if I have a job soon as they happen at work and I have to walk out. My partner seems angry that I feel this way. 
I'm sick every morning with the fear of panic attacks happening. Thinking of a happy place doesn't work!! Counting to 10 doesn't work. 
I scream in my car... I cry so much I can't breath. I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I forgot how I use to feel!! I feel this is how I will always be, upset and a mess everyday! I don't eat as I'm worried I'm giving my body more to throw up. I drink water to try and stay full in a day. I think mad thoughts and I don't see a good outcome. The doctors won't help, they never told me that coming off the pill would do this to me, Iv been off it for 6 months now and it feels like the anxiety and attacks are just getting worse.  Please if anyone can help. I need it. I'm desperate.