39 Weeks Pregnant & only 1cm plus cervix still thick 😒

Amanda Beri
Had my appointment today and cervix checked. Only 1cm and she couldn't do a membrane sweep due to the cervix still thick. She can feel the baby's head. Ugh. . . . Everyone suggests "oh have sex, that will help soften the cervix" :) yeeeeaaaa about that. If the father wasn't a douche and chose alcohol over responsibility and I'm basically every word in the name calling text book then I would. 
I've tried Evening Primrose, Pineapple (fresh), walking (easy, I'm a Marine), yoga ball, squats, gym, stretching, rasperberry leave tea, spicy food. . . . My midwife didn't really give me much of what to do other than schedule an induction date in 2 weeks. . . So what can I do? Besides being patient 😁. I'm obviously being forced to do that.