pet help ( German Shepard) *off topic*

Hi guys I wanted to start off saying that I'm sorry that this is SO off topic I just don't know a better place to ask.

(This might be unnecessarily long sorry but there will be questions at the end I just want to give some background first.)

Okay so I have a 50-60lb, 2-3year old beautiful female German Shepard/border collie/possible Australian Shepard mix That my mom and I adopted from the humane society in November (I'm 19). She had heart worms when we adopted her and she wasn't able to do any exercise/activities had to be away from dogs mostly while she was receiving the treatment. She got off treatment in February and was able to continue to Normal activities.

We quickly realized that she likely never had a home before. She was alarmed by the ceiling fan She didn't know any commands. So I had to teach her (mostly). Shortly after we got her i started having seizures and didn't get a proper diagnosis or treatment until feb-march. Sadly because of that I haven't been able

To take her to dog parks places like I wanted to. We've tried taking her to places but it's so difficult especially for me because it stresses me out. She's is a very sweet dog, doesn't bark at other dogs (usually), she mainly barks at random things and I cannot for the life of me break her focus from that. I've tried rewarding her when she does (very rarely) but like I said most of the time she doesn't. 

My mom and I have a rv by the coast that we stay at when go fishing and when took her with is last time. We had her in her harness hooked up to a cable (a very strong one), we only had her hooked up while we were out there. The entire time she had been out side with us that weekend she was barking. Then the dog saw a freaking bird, kept jumping at it and then broke the ring off her harness. My mom had to chase her around the whole place until she found her. Luckily she had 2 more rings on the harness although she broke one of them the next night...

The dog is also SUPER ENERGETIC!!!

We live in a two story house and she had literally down the stairs instead of just walking. She will also just run back and forth and back and forth. She will hit something every now and then because she doesn't know where she's going.

So my questions are, does anybody have a dog like this? How do you deal with it?

What kind harnesses do you use for your strong dog? 

Does it hold up when using a cable?

How do you get your dog to listen to you?

Also do you have any traveling tips with dogs?

Again sorry this was so long I'm just excited to go out of town but nervous to take my dog