
So my hubby and i were watching a tv show the other day and it was talking ahout how well you know your partner.. He turns to me and asks "how many people have you slept with?" I think about it and come up with the number 6.. So in return my dumbass asks him the same question.. He waits a moment and replies with "like 10 or 12" starts laughing and says "wait no, 16, 17, 18" i look at him and say okay thats enough i dont want to hear if you sleept with more women than that.. Well last night after we have a special night he turns to me and just starts busting out laughing... I say what are you laughing for? He says "well ive been thinking about the convo we had the other day and i came to conclusion there were 22+ people ive been with" i stay silent... I know it was all before we got together butbi cant help but feel some type of way about it... My question to you ladies is how would it make you feel if your SO said hes been with 22+ people?