first time TTC

Needing some advice ladies I came off my pill at the end of February this year and me and my partner started TTC at the start of March.. I'm not really to sure what my body has been doing I had a withdrawl bleed  on the 3rd of April which lasted about 5 days I think had another bleed on the 15th of may which lasted around 5 days again and was quite light not heavy but had bad cramps.. and then on the 1st of June I bled for around 2 days again but was very light.. I am now up to where I am today I would say my period would be due around now but it hasn't shown and got a negative test... I am just finding it difficult to work out what my cycles are like and when I am ovulating as I just haven't a clue and I was on the pill for 6 years so I am unsure on what my cycles were like before I started taking the pill... is anyone else experiencing the same sort of thing since they stopped taking the pill ?