mental health

Hello girls, I really need to hear your opinion on this, since I'm living in a country where I'm -not new- but I don't have close friends who I can share this. When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with "early stage of depression" never took pills, we just did natural options. On college I developed social anxiety but again I was available to went through it, it's not fully gone but it's better now,  lately I feel weird again, I've been here for 6 months  and just this past two I feel always tired, not happy, dizzy, (not pregnant I just had my period to days ago) and I don't get it, I love my job I'm happy during it but then I feel weird again, it doesn't make sense since I'm in a relationship and I feel loved and happy like I never did before when I'm with him.
I'm 23 and I don't know what's going on, when I'm on my room I feel sad and I just want to sleep all day, when I eat I feel like I weight 300 pounds and then I feel guilty, when I go shopping I feel guilty, I don't know what to do anymore. 
Any advice? Therapy is not an option cause medical care here is really expensive. Maybe books, music, or whatever.