
I've never really been on any form of birth control before, but I've been thinking about getting the implant over anything else due to its effectiveness. I was wondering if I could get opinions on side effects, general health, or efficiency from those who might already have it before officially deciding? OR if I Gould maybe lean towards another form instead?
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I remember I was so exited to get the implant when I was 16. All of the benefits- 3 years of birth control and possibly no period seem to outweigh the potential side effects. But I was so wrong. After only the first few weeks of me having the implant and I had my period for nine straight months. Then no period for one month and then again for 15 months. Not only that but I gained 60 pounds (140 to 200!!!) and began to have acne (something I never really had an issue with) and was pretty much unrecognizable. I got it taken out and still suffer from imbalanced hormones. Because of the hormone in balance I suffer from things like ovarian cysts, irregular periods, gastrointestinal diseases, serve headaches and serve fatigue. I never had any of these issues with my hormones before I got that implant. Nobody in my family has issues with her hormones either, so I know it's not genetic. My sister recently got the implant put in and is now getting it taken out because it's completely messed up her hormones like me. I am strongly warning you against this form of birth control.


Summer • Jun 14, 2017
P.s. It messed up my immune system and the gastrointestinal disorders got so bad I've been in the ER 4 times since I got the implant. One of the times was for cramping and the amount I was bleeding caused me to pass out.


Posted at
I hated the implant was on it for a year and got it removed last month, made me very depressed, didn't wanna go out didn't wanna sociallise, made me lazy, tired all the time. Always snapping! Peirods were a mess was bleeding for like 6 month straight untill I went to the doc for the mini pill to stop it , now iv started back the patch today. I used this in 2014 and loved it 😬


Posted at
I had that and the best thing I ever did was have it removed. Horrible mood swings, terrible cramping and periods . No sex drive. It was awful, the worst I've ever tried. Everyone is different tho! 


Posted at
Everybirth control is different for every person, but if your worried about effectiveness all actual birthcontrol are 98-99 percent. It's the other things that aren't that effective is like condoms, cervical cap, spermicide, and thing alike that.If you wanna get to know more then go to "me" in the bottom right corner and when that page opens up then there's a tab that says "birth control: the scoop" and you get information about differnent types and if your scroll all the way down then you can see other people's experience.


Posted at
i've been on the implant since august 25th, 2016, and i love it. took time for my body to adjust to it. in the beginning my period was always random and would last for a very long time. it was never a heavy flow tho when i did get it, it was super light. now i barely get my period and if i do, like i said it's super duper light lol. i haven't used condoms since i've been on it too. the implant is over 99% effective so i would recommend it. 


Posted at
I think it is definitely worth the try, as it is he most convenient and it doesn't hurt at all when inserted although you bruise for a few days... I had terrible side effects that heightened my depression and mood, so I unfortunately got it taken out after 9 months. It cleared up my face and I loved the idea of it but I had to let it go. :( Also you spot for most of the time so if you are willing to deal with that, then it might be for you!


Posted at
I love the implant! I've had it for about 2 months and the only side effects I get is a couple of pimples when my period comes around and then sometimes I spot after sex or after my period for a couple of days. It has been incredibly effective for me and I would highly recommend it 😄


Posted at
Two of my closest friends are on it and love it. But if you've never done hormonal birth control, start with something easy to adjust/stop if you need to 


re • Jun 13, 2017
Like the pill


Posted at
I had the implant fitted when I was 14 and had to have it out due to the cramps I got on my period which I got put on the pill for along side and it stopped me bleeding but didn't stop the cramps and I had extremely bad mood swings to the point I'd get violent for no reason. I had it inserted again start of April this year (I'm 17 now) and all is well except for when I got my first period with the implant this time I didn't stop bleeding so I'm on the pill again and the only side effect I currently have is occasional cramping but it's bareable 


Posted at
I did not have a very good experience with the implant. I basically had a constant period and mood swings that could having me crying, then screaming, then laughing, then crying. I also gained about 20 pounds. I would just recommend something less invasive. Just in case you have a bad reaction like I did. Just try pills first and if you have no negative side effects maybe try the implant.