white American going to India?

Sarah • Smiles are contagious! :o) Mommy of two under two. 💜💙
So I would appreciate any well-traveled people's comments or any comments from those who have lived in India. 
Background: I have very close family that have basically taken me in like a daughter. They are cousins in my deceased step-fathers family.  My mother isn't in my life (she's not a good person) and they've just kind of accepted me. My cousin basically calls me her daughter. Her daughter says I'm her sister. They are Grandma/grandpa to our daughter (and soon to be son). The daughter and her husband are very involved godparents. The farther (daughter's "grandpa") is Indian. His wife ("grandma") is white. Their three children are half Indian obviously. They are very close and would never intentionally put anyone in a harmful situation. 
So here's the issue: I'm not well- traveled. I've never even been on a plane. They have family in India (Aminabad) and they want our family to meet theirs. I'm white a white American and while I am not well-travelled, I try to be very culturally aware. Im not one of those who thinks all Muslims or Indians are terrorists or any of that nonsense, but I know that Americans (especially white Americans) are not well liked typically. I also know that kidnappings can happen. I know some about the culture, so I'm not worried about how to dress or interact, I'm simply worried about safety. I could be worried for nothing, I don't know. So I would like to hear from others who may have insight. My family says that the plane ride is long but not bad, and that we will all be perfectly safe as long as we don't go off alone. I just would really like other educated opinions please. 
I would love to go and experience the culture if it's safe for my family.