is it shallow...

To think that I will leave my bf one day because snores so loud. This topic may be dumb to some but I really have been thinking this.. He tries things to stop snoring but nothing ever works.. NOTHING. I asked him to go to ansleep study to see what's wrong.. because I think it may be more to it. He breathes really heavy while awake and then at night he snores super loud. He works at 5am, but I don't get to sleep until 7am now. Idk what yo do. I am currently in the baby's room (still baking) on the floor.. I don't like to wake him because I know he has to be to work in a couple of hours.. but this is effecting my sleep and I don't think he cares to much because I rarely have to be up super early.. but I don't think that's how he should be looking at it. I don't know what to do!!! Along with other things I just don't know how long I will last. I hate to think this way because we have a baby on the way.. but what am I supposed to posed to do. Everything I see wrong he doesn't want to try to change it. He just laughs it off or neverminds anything I say.. (not just speaking on the snoring) but advice? ( PS I think the snoring is the weight, he's alittle overweight.. but he doesn't care about that either.)