Infection? please please help

Okay, so...First off I would like to mention that there are no hospitals close to me and my OBGYN can't get me in until next month, when I tried to explain it was an emergency I was cut off and told that there were no appointments.
 For about two weeks I've been super itchy and having some slight brown discharge and odor. Because I have frequent yeast infections, I assumed it was one of those and used monostat one day treatment. Usually when I use monostat, it comes back out white or light pink. I used it Sunday and about an hour later I used the bathroom and saw a chunk of white monostat clutching what looked like a strain of blood and what came out into the pad was a bit darker than what I'm used to. Then, sunday, Monday, tuesday and today, the itching came back way worse, and the discharge became Brown, orange, then a mix of bright and dark red. Now I'm worried because I'm  super itchy and am losing bright red discharge with clots (?) that look like dark black coffee grounds and I'm in a lot of pain. Any idea what could be wrong?
I would also like to add that I do everything day to day to help cure/ stop yeast infections. I eat yogurt twice a day, take feminine tract care pills, drink tons of water, always wear cotton underwear and loose pants, never take baths and always dry off quickly after a shower and I don't use any products down there . I'm just miserable and don't know what to do