all day sickness

LOL. My phone wanted to autocorrect "sickness" to "suckness" AMEN.
Anyone else feel GREAT when they wake up in the AM, but once they eat, it's all downhill until bedtime? When I first wake up, I feel great, maybe a little weak, but not nauseous. Once I have breakfast, even if it's just something small, the queasiness begins. It accelerates as my stomach empties close to lunch and can be ramped down with food, but I always feel queasy. It's like vertigo mixed with stomach flu. Also, my sense of smell is through the roof. There was a guy 15 feet away from me with too much fabric softener on his clothes, and I wanted to retch. Really cold water and ice has been helpful, but I can't find any other tricks. 
Anyone else? I hate to complain, cos the alternative is grief--I want this rainbow baby so much.