how did you know when it was time to stop???

MamaBear🐻🌼 • 26, Mom of two-proud Navy Wife & SAHM
Ugh I'm gonna be honest!
I'm tired of bf! 
My son is 5 months and I think I wouldn't mind it but he is the fussiest eater. He snacks all day no matter what I do and each and every feeding is fussy and he's "on off" I don't mind feeding on demand but, he's so fussy about it and it's unenjoyable and really hard!
Sometimes I wish I could just mix a bottle!
I've tried pumping and I can only pump a couple oz first thing in the morning, then hardly anything else the rest of the day. I make enough just can't pump much..
Except he won't take a bottle so that would be a challenge..
 He's also been gassy and his tummy wakes him all night EVERY night since he's been born and it doesn't matter how I change my diet! Sometimes I wonder if there's a sensitivity I just don't know about and can't figure out...And that's why I wish it was simpler! Sometimes I wonder if he would sleep better on formula...
Idk I'll probably nurse a couple more months to a year... just becuase it's best and he loves it. But! It's tough and sometimes I wonder if formula would make my life easier and be worth it if would sleep! how did you know when it was time to stop ? Any encouragement or advice?