I was 5 days overdue

I was 5 days overdue. Around 7am I was trying to fall back sleep and noticed that I was feeling tightness in my back that was coming and going. The first couple were about 10 mins apart, then quickly moved to 6-7 mins apart. My husband said he was leaving work and coming home. I got in the shower and they were every couple minutes while in the. My husband said we had to hurry up and get the kids ready because he was afraid I would give birth in the car since we had an hour drive. When we got there they said I was still only 3-4cm (I was 3cm at my appt last week) and my contractions pretty much stopped. So they had me go walk around for 2hrs and come back to see if anything changed. The contractions started back up right after they took me off the monitor. When we got back the contractions were so intense. They said I was 7cm and it was about 2p. We went to labor and delivery and Maverick James was born in the water with his big sister watching at 322p weighing 10lbs 5oz. His poor face is bruised from being big and coming out fast.