Coworkers are pregnant without trying and I'm over here like...


I just wanted to vent... So we've been trying for over 2 years to get pregnant and we've been told everything's fine with us, but we still haven't conceived. So needless to aay, we're frustrated. I've only told one person I work with about the challenges were having and I thought they would be sensitive to my feelings, but I was proven wrong today....

Today that coworker ran up to me with so much excitement to tell me that our friend is pregnant and that our friend wasn't even trying. That she was actually between switching birth control and doesn't know how she feels about being pregnant yet. Don't get me wrong, if she's happy to be pregnant, I'm happy for the wonderful gift she has growing inside, but the coworker who told me then followed up with, "Why are you lagging on getting pregnant!? Hurry up already!".... I almost burst into tears, but I instead turned away and ignored the comment.

Later in the day, the coworker and I were on break and she got all excited again told me how our OTHER friend at work is 13 weeks pregnant, too! And how she wasn't even trying, but is thrilled! I'm beyond happy for her, but again, the one girl asks me, "See! Everyone else is getting pregnant! Hurry the he up and have a baby dammit!"

I just can't... I'm so upset. This person has seen me break down in the bathroom after I've been a week late and then start my period. How can someone be so insensitive to what I'm going through?

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this? I don't know what to do, but I can't be told to "hurry up" anymore.