my short cervix story. 😘

ok guys this is going to be kinda long so get prepared! 😂
My due date is July 29th, 2017. At 21 weeks I was diagnosed with a short cervix. I cried like a baby in the doctor's office with my boyfriend because doctors were telling us that he could be born any minute. 😥 being a 22 year old FTM I was hysterical & scared, looking back on it makes me smile cause at that time all I wanted was my mom. 😂 
 I didn't have the option to put a clercage in (something to stitch up the cervix so baby won't come out.) because at that time my cervix was too short, my doctor was scared that he would break my water & my son would come! So we opted to wait it out, I left the doctor's office with bloodshot eyes. While getting on the elevator with my boyfriend & mom one of the nurses gave my boyfriend a note to give to me. At the time I was too distraught to read it. I was put on immediate bedrest for the duration of my pregnancy & I had to take different medicines to keep baby in! When we finally made it back home, I opened her letter to me & it said "No matter what the doctor's say, God always has the last say so. I don't know what's going on but God put it on my heart to give this letter to you." & at that moment all my worries & fears went away, I knew all I had to do was follow my doctor's orders & my son would stay in for a little longer! I started having to go to a specialist every week to make sure my cervix wasn't shortening anymore. one week it was 0.5 the next week it would be 0.7 & the last week I went it was still at a 0.7. It was supposed to be at LEAST a 3.0. Despite this everything was all well until I hit 25 weeks. I had an appointment at my regular OB's office & when they checked my cervix it was nothing left to check because it had completely shortened. My membranes were also bulging so I was admitted into the hospital because a new doctor was certain he was coming! but I wasn't worried because I always referred back to the letter I received from the nurse. I stayed in the hospital being monitored for a week, & my son did NOT come! 
At 26 weeks I was released & I went home to continue my bedrest. I prayed & counted every week as a milestone because God really was & still is looking out for my son & I. I am now 33 weeks & 5 days, my son is still inside flourishing weighing over 4 pounds. ☺️ My point of this post was to give glory to God for allowing us to make it so far, and to give hope to any women who have been diagnosed with the same thing! If you believe & keep your faith in God everything will definitely be ok! I still have no cervix left at this point, & I've been dilated to a 1-2 since 26 weeks! My son & I have already been through so much this pregnancy & I'm just so ready for July to meet him. What a story this will be when he's older!