How do I talk to my doctor?


I am 19 and think I have ADHD.

I have severe depression from abuse and sexual assaults.

Otherwise I go from extremely tired to full of energy. I feel like sleeping all of the time, but at work I am bouncing around everywhere and it's hard to focus.

After my trauma and rape, life turned upside-down for me. I can no longer remember stuff in college like I did before the assaults and such. And even before my abuse I could never focus.

In college I could never focus in class and I could never remember basic information. I'm not stupid, as I'm going to nursing school in August, but it is draining me.

I will take a nap after work, and then have a burst of energy 10pm to 1am and try to study but get distracted by my phone and texting. Remembering things is also more difficult. My college grades were not where I wanted them to be and even highschool grades were not so great because of this.

I am always fidgeting as well. Never really still.

I feel like I need some sort of medication to help me focus. And in return, this focus would help me in nursing school, which in return would aid in my severe depression and anxiety as I am very hard on myself.

How do I go about this with my doctor and would they turn me down?

I really need aderall or something to get my mind set to focus. And I just can't do it by myself. I've always been like this, but with how competitive nursing school and college is, I am realy needing some assistance. . . I can't keep living like this.

I know I can do so much better in school and classes.

I have no criminal background if that maters.

How do I communicate this to my doctor?

Thanks much.