37 week induction birth story.

Stephanie • Genevieve Nichole born 6/8/2017 at 37 weeks.
I loved reading birth stories when I was pregnant so here is mine! Sorry if it's long! 
I had been seeing a perinatologist as I had gestational hypertension. When I was 34w6d he gave me injections of betamethasone(lung steroid) in case baby girl came early. He informed me at that time I would be having an induction at 37-38 weeks as my blood pressure was high. 
I went for my final growth scan when I was 36w6d which was Tuesday 6/6. My blood pressure was 150/98 and baby had not grown as much as she should have since her last growth scan. Dr told me he was inducing me that night. My dr told me I had a 25% chance of delivering vaginally, but he was going to give me a chance since he knew it was important to me. 
I had hired a doula and wanted to go as naturally as possible. Had a birth plan but I was also realistic and knew nothing ever goes to plan. I arrived at the hospital on Tuesday 6/6 at 10pm. The cervadil was placed at midnight. Holy crap when they insert that and do a vaginal exam. Ouchie!! When they placed the cervadil I was completely closed and high. My body was definitely not ready for labor. My dr told me he would only do one dose of cervadil and if it didn't work we were doing a CS. 
At 930am on wed 6/7 I started having contractions from the cervadil. They were sharp and quick and 2 mins apart. Not unbearable but definitely annoying. 
At 12pm it was time to check to see if I had made any progress. I was 2cm and 50% effaced! Dr allowed me to continue with induction and I was started on pitocin. 
They started the pitocin on 2 and got it up to 12. I was having decent contractions. Once again 2 mins apart. I was so afraid of pitocin contractions but these were a breeze. I even napped a little with no epidural. 
At 4pm they checked me and I was barely at 3cm. At this time my Dr asked the nurses to find a Dr to break my water. I immediately sent him a text and told him if he wanted me water broke he would need to do it himself. Lol. He made it in at 530pm and broke my water. And told me by 8am I'd be holding my baby girl! He also told me that I now only had a 25% chance of having a CS! Woohoo!! 
At 7pm on 6/7 I asked for an epidural as the contractions got crazy from the water breaking. I had to wait for the on call anesthesiologist to come to the hospital. I got my epidural at 730pm. I was worried the epidural wouldn't work as I have a bad back and other nerve issues. It seemed to work in the beginning. At this point I was still only at 3cm. 
At about 10pm the epidural was not working. I could feel everything and could walk if they let me. I was now at 5cm. The anesthesiologist came back and gave me something stronger directly into the line which made my legs completely numb and made me super groggy and made me shiver and shake.  
At about 1130pm I was sleeping on my back when the nursing staff came in because baby girl was having significant decelerations. Her HR was dipping to 80. I had to lie on my side to keep her HR up. After about an hour they called my Dr and he wanted an internal fetal monitor to go on babies head to better monitor her. Definitely not in my birth plan but we have to do what we have to do for baby. At this time they also put in an IUPC which is an internal monitor for contractions. I was about 6cm at this time. 
I tried to rest and at about 230am on 6/8 the pain and pressure got really bad. They checked me and I was almost 10cm and complete except for a little lip. Baby was still at a -2 station and they wanted to let my uterus work her down. The problem was the pain. At this point both the epidural and the other med had worn off. I was in so much pain and I was starting to have back labor. For the next hour and a half I was in tears and begging for a CS. I told everyone there was no way I could do this. With my bad back the back labor was so intense. My BP shot up to 200/120 from the pain. Finally at 330am I begged for the anesthesiologist and asked for more of the medicine that made me numb. By the time he made it to the room I told him I loved him and I got the meds at 4am. I had to wait 20 minutes for it to take effect. Worst hour and a half EVER!!! 
I was able to rest and sleep. I was woken up at 530am to contractions and pressure again. I immediately paged the nurse and told her I needed more of the meds before the back labor pain came back. I DID NOT want to be where I was 2 hours ago. She checked me and I was at +1 and she told me I couldn't push until I was +2. I told her I needed the anesthesiologist again then because the pain was coming back. She then told me she didn't know if he would give it to me again because I needed to be able to push soon. Luckily he came in and gave it to me about 6am. The nursing staff was not my friends and this point and kept telling me how I wasn't going to be able to push on these meds. Oh yeah??? Watch me!!
At this point they had me try pushing at 6am on 6/8. I tried and apparently I did a damn good job because she said it was time to call my Dr!! He was 30 minutes way at another hospital. They got the room ready and told me to try not to push. Luckily I didn't feel much so this was t hard. By about 630am the pain was coming back and I was doing light pushes to get through them. Pushing is such a relief!! 
My Dr walked in about 640am and was gowning up as I was pushing. After 2 contractions and about 7-8 pushes Genevieve Nichole was born at 651am Thursday 6-8-17 weighing 6lbs 8oz and 19 inches long. My Dr stopped me as her head was out and let me see and feel her. So cool. Her cord was wrapped around her neck(explains the decels) and she had meconium on her way out. She was born at 37w1d and is perfect and healthy!!! 
Thank you for reading. Sorry it's so long but my 33 hour labor was long!! I was up and walking an hour after because I had to poo(didnt on the table but I did fart in that rude nurses face lol) I had a little tear on the inside of my vaginal canal but no stitches on the outside. It's now a week later and my recovery has been easy considering all the medical intervention. Definitely not what I planned but so glad I was able to deliver vaginally! 
I'm so in love with my little <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>!!!