rant! name stealing 🙄

I'm going to make this as short as possible. 
I'll be the 1st to admit there are different levels of "name stealing" BUT if you are NOT pregnant, have no intention of becoming pregnant, then you have no claim to shit when someone IS pregnant! 
Even IF you plan to have kids.. one day you can not "claim" a name like Lynn, Ann, lee they are basically half names that can be added to anything an you can not be upset when someone makes up something with that in it.🙄 You also can not "claim" shit on the top 200 like seriously they stole Olivia from you? No honey they stole Olivia from everyone!🤦🏼‍♀️
With all that been said if you are one of the lovely people who find themselves butt hurt over a name punch the bitch during a contraction and move on!!! Do not annoy the piss out of a pregnant women, like seriously we have enough stress don't need to worry about what you wanted to name your kid in 30 years.