feeling good

Doesn't really have anything to do with babies but I just needed to share with someone who isn't my husband that I'm feeling good. I'm finally taking control of my own life, Ive been speaking up and speaking my mind, I'm not letting anyone walk all over me or insult me anymore. I'm done being a pushover and I'm done keeping my mouth closed when I have the right to have a peaceful normal life and letting certain people accept me being a pushover to another certain person. And since Ive recently had a baby I've been literally dying inside because For years I've been dealing with a this crap and it's been eating away at me and when I had my baby I realized I need to say something but I've always been too afraid to. I've realized My husband and I do so much for people and We get nothing in return not even an opinion in our own lives and I realized I don't want that same future for my son. Just because my husband accepts it doesn't mean I will granted my husband doesn't really realize the wrong that's constantly being done to me or him but that doesn't mean I don't have to realize it. Ive been confronting what I need to confront, I've been making him realize that we deserve better and and Our little family doesnt get put second to anyone no matter who it is. I've been liberating me and my husband and it feels so good.