Surprise induction @37w☺

Jessica • Aint No Hood Like Motherhood 👑 Alayah's Momma

Hubby just got home from work at 6am we had breakfast , watched an episode of game of thrones as I'm falling asleep at about 8am I get a call from my Ob , the office lady said "hi can you head up to labor and delivery" I said "sure for what ?" She goes "your getting induced today , they're expecting you " . I just start shaking and crying I had no idea I was getting induced . My last weeks appointment went good and the doctor said "okay if only she stays in a few more weeks" because i was already dilated 4cm since 34 weeks . So here I am no hospital bag , sleepy as hell, freaking out & all she could say was "I'm sorry you weren't informed but we need you there in an hour " . I had to hurry get dressed , run to Wal-Mart and get a bag so I could put everything I need in it & get the baby stuff ready . We got to the hospital at 10:30 / 11:00 and my family was already there , obviously try were more ready than I was 😂 I was so scared I wasn't mentally ready . We got signed in and they started my pitocin at 11:30 & broke my water at 12:45 . I was having irregular contractions for a little they they become consistent every 5mins to every 2mins. I was doing great laughing through contractions , talking to everyone , joking with the nurse . It hit me this is really happening and I wasn't scared anymore . I was only in hard labor for an hour and it wasn't even that bad !! It's nothing like how everyone said it was . I couldn't really feel my contractions till they were every 2 mins and lasting a min . I waited till I couldn't breath anymore for IV meds , they sucked they only made my head feel high and mellow my contractions a little. After about an hour from my pain meds I had my epidural and lemme tell you it was not scary at all ! He put it in the first time and I could feel my self pass out , he must of hit something , so I hurry and said this isn't right I'm so light headed I'm gonna pass out . He hurry up and took it out and put it back in another place then we were good ! 45 mins after my epidural my OB finally got there checked me and said "oh my gosh okay were gonna do 3 practice pushes" I'm like yeah okay it's not time yet it's just practice but boooyy was i wrong , she said "okay her heads right here push a few more times" I pushed for not even 10mins , I pushed probably 10 times and she was out . Her heart rate was dropping at the last 2 pushes so they had to get the vacuum out . I only got one stitch , no stretch marks and baby Alayah was here 6/5/17 @ 5:55pm 5lbs 2oz 18.5in

I was 90lbs Pre pregnancy & 114 when I delivered !