MIL problems

So I used to let my MIL watch my son until I walked in on her and saw her basically try to force feed my son his bottle. He was screaming and crying because he didn't want it and she kept just putting it in his mouth. Well now I will not let her watch him and I've noticed recently he hardly drinks his bottle anymore and I'm thinking it's because of that. I haven't told her or my husband why I won't let her watch him so I just say my mom is going to so it doesn't cause conflict because we live right next to her. I'm just wondering how to get him to like his bottle again and if anyone else went through this?
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Not sure as we haven't had any issues with bottle. But I did want to share my MIL is no longer allowed to watch my baby either 😬 The first time she had only ONE bottle the entire day, and the second time my baby came back in a swim diaper covered in pee (that was her only diaper change). Idk I guess some MIL are best kept at a far distance 😂


Mary • Jun 21, 2017
My MIL fed my baby Chex cereal 2 weeks before I ever tried starting him on solids, then verbally attacked me when I confronted her about it. I agree that some family members should be kept at a distance, no matter how much they protest! Our children's safety and happiness are more important than adults' desires!


Al • Jun 15, 2017
Right?? I'm still completely livid! 😤


Cynthia • Jun 15, 2017
Poor baby!!!


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Have you tried the next stage in nipples? Sometimes they get frustrated cause it's not coming out fast enough? 


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My MIL let my baby slide off a plastic toddler picnic table while sitting in an infant tub! While I'm yelling across the room he's sliding he's sliding trying to get through the dogs, toys and kids to him. I was so mad. As far as the bottle, I'd try one of the step up bottles with handles. Maybe with her own independence she will take it.


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That is so messed up of her!! My baby hasn't had any trauma or anything w the bottle but she just hasn't been wanting it as much.. she wants food lol. She loves her real food lol. 


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Omg one bottle and one diaper change for a whole day? I feel sorry for her kid(s)!