I really need help.. sorry this is so long

Okay so I'm just gonna say I have a lot of questions and things to cover in this post. I'm gonna start with my boyfriend and I (we will call him john.) So I was raped in October (not by current boyfriend) and since then I can't get off unless I'm drunk or high. Now last time I was having sex with John I was really struggling with him on top of me and I couldn't do it anymore and I told him and he was so nice about it.. even though it killed the mood and we stopped. So anyway I was hanging out with him a few days ago and he was soooo baked (means high for those of you who don't know) and he had friends over and I had a friend with me but he was acting like a complete douche! He seriously pushed my face to the ground and got on top of me even though I said stop, and keep in mind I have NEVER seen him act like that. I have no idea what to do I told him I was upset and I reminded about how he was acting but he said he doesn't even remember doing that. So I don't know if I should leave or not I mean he apologized and said he still loves me but he really fuckin scared me. Okay so now that I've covered that I'm going to move on to the fact that we have unprotected sex anytime we have it, and I was starting to freak out because I am three days late on my period but I have cramps and let me tell you I have never been so happy to have such excruciating pain. Lastly the excruciating pain part. Every time I get my period the pain is unbearable and I can hardly get out of bed. My period is extremely irregular and sometimes I go like two months without it and then like a cycle that lasts 14 days. So I don't really know what to do and before I go to the doctor I just wanted to know if anybody could explain what was happening or how to fix it? Would birth control help? Idk I'm at a loss, and I'm so sorry this post was so long.