Breastfeeding & Going Back to Work

Hi ladies I have some questions for those mommas who breastfeed but are working as well. My son is 2 weeks old today & I am going to wait until he is about a month old to go to work. I will be working night shifts from 7pm-3:30am. My fiancé will be at home with baby & will be feeding him, etc. I plan to breastfeed him during the daytime when I am with him & he will only be bottle fed when I am at work. 
A couple questions I have are... 
How many times a day should I pump to keep my supply built up? 
When should I pump? 
How should I store my milk? Refrigerator, freezer..? 
Would it be possible to not have to pump during work hours or would that be risking my milk supply? 
I think that's about it but if anyone has any other advice that would be greatly appreciated.. TIA 😊