My birth story

On Saturday I went to my nephew's hs graduation, I couldn't get comfy on that stupid metal bench. I went to the after party sitting most of the time, by the time I got home my feet were so swollen and my husband put me on bedrest until Monday. I went to work Monday and Tuesday, however on Monday my "bladder" was hurting and I was going to the bathroom every 5 minutes it seemed. I had mucus at one point, I called my Dr. He had me go leave a urine sample. On Tuesday I continued to hurt, had more mucus. I called my Dr again to hear my results and tell them about the mucus and that the pain continued. I was told I had protein in my urine but no bladder infection and they sent it off for further testing. On Wednesday I went to children's mercy at 8am for my fetal echo, level 2 ultrasound and admission testing. During the fetal echo I had to get up several times to pee, it hurt when she was over my bladder. This test went until 1030am with a little scare of possibly being triples, turns out it was 2 heads and a belly...whew lol the Dr then comes in to explain to us that Journey, twin A, which has hlhs, wouldn't make it much after birth. So we sat and talked privately and cried a little before moving to our next appointment. We came in to sandwiches, cheese, drinks, chips. They knew we had a long day ahead of us. I passed on the food. I kept hurting, so the tech suggested food and drink to help. My husband feed me but it didn't help =/ turns out i was having contractions, the tech was like ummm do you know you're having contractions? I had 10 in 1 hour. the Dr came in looked around for a while and then sent us to a conference room. He was worried about the contractions and that twin A had 10cm of fluid, where twin B only had 4cm. We were in stage 1 ttts and since I was 26.6 weeks it was too late for lazer surgery and I would have to consider the amino procedure. He decided to admit me to Truman hospital across the street for observation. He then checked my cervix only to find that it wasn't there =o at 3pm I was wheeled over, skipped triage and had to wait 30 minutes on a room. They started an iv, gave me a beta shot in my leg. The iv kept malfunctioning, the room was burning up and I was getting more and more uncomfortable. At 6:04pm I told the nurse I needed to go pee, before she could get the pan, I said I feel a gush but I have to pee still. Right after I felt more come out. She changed my sheets and tested my fluids. The pressure was getting worse, I felt the urge to push, there were 4 people in my room. I looked at my husband I said she's coming, I told the nurse or anyone listening she's coming! Literally my little bitty baby girl shot out of me and landed on my bed, no one caught Her! Next thing I knew there's like 10 people in my room, no one is sterile and my little baby is just laying there and i keep asking is she okay, is she breathing? They get her in a bed, I hear one little cry before they put the breathing tube in. The Dr is trying to take to me but I can't concentrate, i feel another push coming, I grunt and point down there. The next thing I know they throw my leg back and tell my husband to grab my other. 3 pushes and she is out! Journey came at 6:28pm and Mara came at 6:32pm. At 9:30pm they're finally stable and ready for transfer. We go see them, take pictures, hold their little hands and then off they go. That was May 24th. On May 25th we were told Journey has a 70% chance of survival with her heart condition, but they weren't sure she would reach the 6 to 7 lbs needed to go to surgery, she was only 2lb2oz, plus with the brain bleed they couldn't give her the blood thinners needed for surgery. I said do what it takes to save my daughter, she deserves a chance to have a life! Then the neurologoist chimes in with your daughter has 0% chance of survival due to the brain bleed! I was so mad, I was thinking why would you not lead with that, giving us hope to only take it away?!?! I go to visit my girls for a while, I hold Journey for a hour and then I need rest, so while i rest my husband goes home to get clothes and such. He comes back to my room with the Dr and explains that Journey is no longer responding to their treatments and her acid levels keep rising which meant that her muscles were failing, either her heart or her brain. It's 2am in the morning, my husband decides to hold her for a while. The staff allowed us to put Journey in with Mara 1 last time together. We took several pictures. Then they took out her iv and placed her on my chest, they removed her breathing tube. We sat there and listened to our little girl take her last 5 breaths, at 5:15am my little girl died on my chest. She gave us almost 36 hours. If you have gotten this far thank you for taking the time to read my story. Mara thankfully has fought so hard, she has the best guardian angel anyone could ask for. She's 3 weeks old and weighs 2lb11oz, she started at 2lb4oz. Our little warrior princess =)