Trying to keep my chin up.

I just got a phone call from a close friend to inform me that she's pregnant with her 2nd. Obviously, I'm happy for her! It's just that she is the 3rd close friend of mine to give me this news in the past 3 months! It seems like once I start to get over one another friend tells me she's pregnant. I'm so happy for all of them but my heart sinks into my stomach every time. It's sooooo frustrating when you've been trying for so long and everyone around you gets pregnant right away without the heartache and added medical bills! Sorry to be a downer. I'm usually a positive person and I know I haven't been trying as long as many others (1 1/2 years) but I just needed to vent to people that actually understand what I'm going through. I'm in the TWW after <a href="">IUI</a> #1 with a post wash sperm count of 3 mil. Trying to hold onto hope with the numbers against us. I firmly believe that we are all stronger women for having to go through this! 💪