MY HANDS ARE SHAKING. This picture was impossible for me to take!

I'm freaking out! Is that a vvvfl??? I'm 5 days until my period but I just couldn't wait anymore! I wish I had at least used my fmu but my self control went totally out the window. Does anyone else see it? Could it be an evap? Trying to not get my hopes up! 
We took a test the following day with another faint positive that was darker. After that it got lighter & eventually disappeared as I started spotting. Chemical pregnancies happen! I just want to keep it real with you guys.
I see people getting their positives all the time & I always feel a twinge of jealousy along with my excitement for them. Chemical pregnancies suck but the silver lining is that it means you can conceive! So keep your head up & keep trying. Baby dust & love to all of you! 💕