IUI and strange hcg levels

Im looking for some help... after my 4th <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> here is what's happened so far:
May 31- hcg 27, at 3w 4 days and told that they like to see it more around 100 by now but they will monitor it
June 2- hcg 31, told that it should have at least doubled and that it doesn't look good, so they'll check it once more
June 6- hcg 34, told to stop taking my progesterone since there's been little growth there's prob something wrong and I will prob miscarry... and to come back June 9 to ensure hcg is back at zero and restart cycle monitoring for next <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>
(I started spotting June 3rd)
June 9- hcg at 96, they asked me what kind of bleeding I've had, I said it was like a heavy period but both red and brown... they thought I might be having an ectopic pregnancy and gave me a run down of when to go to the ER... not much else
June 12- hcg 495, 5 wks... told it might be a possible pregnancy or a miscarriage/ectopic pregnancy... so confused!  Bleeding finally stopped.
June 14- hcg 891, nurse told me the doctor was happy with this and they won't be doing any more blood work because it won't tell them anything else. 
I have an early ultrasound booked for June 23 to see if it's viable or not...
So scared, don't know what to think... I'm in limbo and wish I had someone to talk to that could relate to this situation.
Please respond if you've had/heard of an experience similar to this, thanks!